23 Beautiful Indoor Decorative Plants For Your Home

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An indoor plant can be the best way to refresh your home interior. There are some good plants to check out. Back in the ’90s, the silk plant was the popular choice for many homeowners. By the time, the green mood replaces it to rejuvenate the space.

Indoor houseplants are what you need to refresh your home interior. It works best to remove all toxins from the air. Additionally, by adding plants in the interior of your home, you will add humidity especially if you are living in a dry environment. Also, plants are great to complete any decor ideas. The textures and tones are interesting that said green is the best new neutral to choose from.

One of the best choices for the indoor plant is baby tears. This plant has a tough and resilient character. Additionally, this plant grows and then spread to create a beautiful mat across the container in any diameter.

Additionally, you can use baby tears to work as the ground cover for a base of a small tree.

Air plant or Tillandsia is what you need if you like houseplants but you cannot deal with a brown thumb. It does not need soil, because you just need an occasional dunk that is located under the faucet. The air plants will use their special scales located on the leaves to take the moisture.

Simply, mount them on the driftwood and then arrange them in the glass globes. Other than that, you can perch them on the teacups. The last choice to choose is the ivy-shaped leaves. Rex begonias have an elegant look with a sense of mystery that makes it perfect for any room.

The last thing to know, the rex begonias come with colorful purple or red hairs on the leaves and stems. This is a good indoor plant to add personality and it can tolerate regular moisture. However, you should not allow it to stay in a soggy pot. Check out our gallery to know more.

image source : pinterest.com

Gail Ashomore